Sunday, April 19, 2009

Fariz has a thing for naming songs after girls' names: Hazel, Madeline, Hermione Granger...

Guess which ones are the real songs :)

I dunno how to blog la... but I figured since we haven't been exactly active in the posting music department, better post soMETHING.

Fariz has been coming up with so many melodies it's crazy. He just sent me this new one he's been working on - Balloons and Butterflies. Yes, Fariz came up with that title all by himself. (It's the marshmallow in him) His mind never sleeps. Busy, busy boy.

And I'm busy procrastinating... You see, right now, I should be writing my 1800 word essay due tomorrow. I am Failure Toh. Sigh.

Writing a blog post right now is not something i should be doing i should be writing my essayyy arghhh.

Okay, I'll go try to start now.

Oh and Fariz and I both have Twitter. In seperate individual accounts. You can 'follow' us there if u like. Just search for 'smelsquare' for me and 'farizsalleh' for fariz.

It's the closest thing I'll come to blogging... or actually updating frequently-ish la.

Hope to hear from you(s)


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